Eliot Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Minutes Monday 5/20/2024

Submitted by Laura Fay – Approved June 17, 2024

Eliot Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes – Approved

Monday 05/20/2024
7:00 – 8:30pm
Cascadia Garlington Health Center
3036 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd


  • Patricia Montgomery – Co-Chair
  • Jimmy Wilson – Co-Chair
  • Serena Li – Community Outreach
  • Laura Fay – Recorder
  • Andrew Champion
  • Alice Newman (online)
  • Bliss Suh
  • Jennifer Wilcox


  • Tessa Fowler, VOA MRC
  • Christian Schoof (online): Friends of the Children Director of Operations

WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Jimmy Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. 

REVIEW MEETING AGREEMENTS: The meeting agreements were posted for reference and for individual review.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Jennifer Wilcox shared that the Oregon Program Evaluators Network conference is taking place in Portland in October..Community service is an important part of the conference and the participants are looking for volunteer opportunities, such as possibly litter pickup, setting up for events, etc. 

Meeting attendees discussed opportunities for summer events in Dawson Park and on Stanton Street. The weekend of July 13-14 was selected and Bliss Suh, Serena Li, Jennifer Wilcox and Laura Fay volunteered to work together. Tessa Fowler from the VOA MRC offered volunteer support with setup and tear down. 

APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 15TH MEETING: Jennifer called for a motion to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2024 meeting. Andrew seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

NEIGHBORHOOD SAFETY: Jennifer provided a report on the recent housing resource fair in Dawson Park. Despite some truly rough weather, they had perhaps 75-100 attendees and served 130 terrific meals.There were a surprising number of no shows from the anticipated providers. However, one great outcome is that SEI signed up three people for their housing list. 

Attendees discussed whether it would be worth holding a resource fair on a different day of the week. Other neighborhoods with weekend events have 500+ attendees. 

Jennifer reminded attendees that the former Nike community store is an untapped resource and opportunity. There is a meeting tomorrow around ideas for its use. 

Serena suggested putting a call out to the community for ideas. We should determine what limitations there are on use of the space, and the timeline during which the space is free. 

VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA’S MEN’S RESOURCE CENTER, GOOD NEIGHBOR AGREEMENT: Tessa provided a review of the history of the MRC’s admissions and their role in the STEP courts. Jennifer noted that a good practice would be to review our various agreements and policies regularly. Laura suggests that we do so in the fall, around the board elections.

Serena made a motion to continue the current amendment until next month, when more board members will be present to weigh in. Andrew seconded and the motion passed..

ELIOT NEWS: Andrew reported on Allan’s behalf that attendees start collecting articles if we want to publish a summer edition. 


NECN UPDATE: Jimmy reported that NECN has awarded $1,000 for communication 


TREASURER’S REPORT: April’s ending balance is $4,969.63.

LUTC UPDATE: Andrew reported on Allan’s behalf that the parking district passed. The permitting plan is in draft stage and going to city council in June. 

Allan is also talking to city council candidates about the Fremont bridgehead project. 

The city is communicating with a new contractor on the Fargo construction projects to get the sidewalk back into compliance. 

There has been no further response to the letter we sent to OHSU about their better engagement with Eliot.. 

PBOT is studying traffic diversion around NE 7th. 

COMMUNITY OUTREACH: These items have been addressed elsewhere, and there is no further report. 

ADJOURN: Jimmy adjourned the meeting at 8:33 pm

Next meeting Monday, June 17, 2024

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