Cleanup Thanks

Another successful neighborhood  cleanup is history, and all the paperwork is (finally) completed. In all, we removed nearly nine tons of debris from the neighborhood, and added about $500 to our coffers.

As always, many people came together to make this possible.

  • First and foremost are are dedicated group of volunteers that came together and gave up their Saturday morning to help out. They are really the reason that we are able to do this every year. From printing up fliers, driving around to pick up from our elderly and disabled residents and collecting the money,  you guys made it happen. And thanks to the guys from VOA’s Men’s Residential Center, who once again did most of the heavy lifting.
  • Katy at NECN, who handles the mountains of paperwork, not just from Eliot’s cleanup, but from all the neighborhoods within her area. And always answers stupid questions with a smile.
  • New Season’s Market and Wonder Ballroom,  for their generous financial support.
  • Metro, for waiving tipping fees for clean ups.
  • Legacy Emanuel Hospital for once again allowing us to take over their parking lot.
  • Julius and his crew, for keeping scrap metal out of the landfill.
  • And of course everyone who brought their unwanted stuff to us. You helped make Eliot a more livable neighborhood.