December 13th 2021 LUTC Meeting Agenda

Eliot Neighborhood Association’s Land Use and Transportation Committee Agenda

December 13th 2021, 7:00-9:00 pm

Zoom Link – Full details below


  1. 7:00 Open meeting, Welcome guests, Introductions (5 mins)
  2. 7:05 Discuss agenda and accept any additions (5)
  3. 7:10 Annual Legacy Update/Plans (45)
  4. 7:55 Fremont Bridgehead Reclamation Update (15)
  5. 8:10 Knott St Pacific Power Substation Building (30)
  6. 8:45 Event Parking District Plan Update (5)

Topic: December LUTC Meeting
Time: Dec 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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